Tools to help you make performance friendly graphics for Stormworks Lua screens, quick and easy.

If you have any suggestions or find any bugs, please let me know:
You can report issues here
Or contact me on discord: Mr Lennyn#2671

Latest Changes:

Drawing Canvas - 3/5/2023
-Feature: Alpha - Transparency (0-255)
-Fix: Local variables inside Alyosha15's small_text function
-Fix: tostring() in Alyosha15's small_text function

Drawing Canvas - 11/19/2022
-Rework: Undo/Redo System now works with all tools and changes, including color changes
-Rework: Data Structure - From now on it'll be possible and easier to implement certain features

Drawing Canvas - 9/17/2022
-Feature: 3x4 small font - thanks to Alyosha15's super compact font (only ~400 chars)
-Feature: Info Tooltips on hover on options menu - shows detailed information
-Change: Eyedrop tool's shortcut is now 'X'
-Fixed: Ctrl+C not working because 'C' was binded to eyedrop tool

Drawing Canvas - 9/8/2022
-Feature: Color Factor slider - Lets you tune the color-fix values
-Feature: Press space to cancel current action (like in the middle of drawing something)

Drawing Canvas 2.0! - 8/25/2022
Note: Biggest update to the tool yet! With a completely new, cleaner UI and much improved user experience.
As well as new useful features. Thanks to everyone for the feedback and support!
-Mayor Rework: Several UI/UX changes
-Feature: Canvas can now move and zoom like you'd expect from an image-editor
-Feature: Move tool - lets you move shapes around
-Feature: Eyedrop tool - allows you to copy the color of a shape
-Feature: Color Grouping - groups shapes by their color, saving characters but ignoring the order you drew the shapes
-Feature: Push-Back/Forward tools- allows you to 'rearrange' shapes by pushing them to the background or foreground
-Feature: Color flags - shows a little rectangle next to each setColor(), to make things clear
-Feature: Distance indicator - tells you how many pixels you moved from starting pixel
-Fixed: character '1' drawing slightly offset in Canvas
-Fixed: circles with a radius of 0 (single pixel) will no longer draw, to reflect in-game screens

Drawing Canvas - 7/11/2022
-Fixed: Anti-aliasing issue, now everything should look crips, including reference images
-Fixed: Text-input box staying on screen when selecting another tool
-Fixed: Other bugs I can't remember

Drawing Canvas - 4/5/2022
-Feature: Save/Load your project!

Drawing Canvas - 4/1/2022
-Change: New Look!
-Feature: New "Shape Color" Tool - changes the color of a shape
-Feature: New "Bucket Color" Tool - replaces a color with another, for all shapes
-Feature: Keyboard shortcuts for all tools
-Feature: Compact mode no longer outputs unused shortened variables
-Feature: Checkbox - Hide Reference Image
-Fixed: Minor Bugs
-Note: Undo/Redo doesn't support "shape color" and "bucket color" yet!

Drawing Canvas - 3/26/2022
-Feature: Text Input
-Help Tab for canvas things

Drawing Canvas - 3/24/2022
-Feature: Circle shape
-Feature: CircleFull shape

Drawing Canvas - 3/22/2022
-Feature: Triangle shape
-Feature: TriangleFull shape [doesn't work too well on the canvas]
-Feature: Character-Counter
-Feature: Filled-Shape Fix [since AMD and NVIDIA display full rects differently]

Image Lua Converter - 12/27/2021
-Fixed: Scripts being over the character limit
-Fixed: Some colors missing from the output code under certain conditions

Drawing Canvas - 12/24/2021
-Feature: New "Eraser" tool